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Create a New Account

To create a new user account, on the Log In page, click Create New Account.

Note: If you have an existing user account but are having trouble logging in, see the section Logging In for assistance. It is better to recover access to your account than to create a new account.

Select the congregation you belong to

First select the country of your congregation and then select the congregation you belong to from the list. If your congregation is not on the list select My congregation is not in the list.

Note: Without a congregation assigned, you will not be able to use the website. Although you could start an application for the creation of your congregation; to do that you will have to meet some requirements.

Requirements to apply for the creation of a congregation:
  1. To be an elder or ministerial servant.
  2. To have permission from the body of elders to start the application.
  3. Have enough skills to administrate a website.

Personal Information

Enter Your User Name

Enter a user name in the User name box, use a short name, they are best to remember. Minimum length 3 and maximum length 30. Use only letters and digits please. As a suggestion, you can use your first name and the first letter of your last name as your user name. You will be notified if the user name is already taken.

Enter your Email address

Enter an email address in the Email box. You have to use a valid email address because all messages about your account from this website will be sent to this email address. For example, if you request help for logging in, the instructions will be sent to this email address. Enter the email address again into the Retype Email box to ensure you entered it correctly. You will be notified if the email address is already in use.

Security Information

Enter Your Password

Enter into the Password box a password that meets the requirements listed. Be sure to choose a password that you can remember, but that would be difficult for anyone else to guess. Enter the password again into the Retype Password box to ensure you entered it correctly.

Passwords should:
  1. Be at least 6 characters long.
  2. Contain a combination of at least three of the following types of characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation.
  3. Not be based on your name or user name.
  4. Not use sequences or repeated characters such as 1234, 2222, ABCD, or adjacent letters on the keyboard.

Enter a security question

Enter a security question in the Security Question box. Make sure to use a question that you could easily remember the answer, but that would be difficult for anyone else to guess. This question will be use whenever you want to change or reset your password.

Enter a security answer

Enter a security answer in the Security Answer box. Make sure you can remember the answer exactly as you entered it, lower cases, upper cases and other punctuation, etc. If you don’t answer the question as you entered it, you will not be able to reset your password.

Terms of Use

Review the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click on I have read and agree with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of this Web site. Otherwise, you cannot create or use an account on this website.

Confirm Account Details

Review your account details for accuracy. If you need to make an adjustment, do it at this time. If all the information is accurate, click Register to create your user account.

Confirm E-mail Address

When you create a new account, you are required to verify the e-mail address. A valid e-mail address is required. You will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to activate your account.

If you did not receive an e-mail message with instruction on how to activate your account, follow these steps:
  1. Check your junk mail or spam folder: Open your e-mail client or website and look in the junk mail or spam folders for a message from “” If you find it, move it to your inbox. In order to prevent future messages from being marked as spam or junk mail, add “” to your contact list. If you are not sure how to carry out these steps, consult your e-mail provider’s help text for assistance.
  2. If you cannot activate your account, ask your administrator for help.

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